・Bagworm silk (BS) is the strongest natural fiber as known. We present the development of a bagworm-based conducting synthetic/natural fiber composite for creating a flexible and strong textile.
・The SEM images evaluated that polyaniline was coated on the BS fibers. Charge carriers of the composite are polarons with paramagnetic character.
Bagworm silk (BS) is the strongest natural fiber as known. We present the development of a bagworm-based conducting synthetic/natural fiber composite for creating a flexible and strong textile. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, reflection UV–vis spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron spin resonance, and a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) were used to evaluate the composite. BS/PANI sheet resistivity was 1.0 102 kΩ/cm. The electrical conductivity measurements and magnetic measurements evaluated that the charge carriers of the composite were radical cations (polarons) of polyaniline.
A bagworm silk/polyaniline composite was successfully prepared. The SEM images evaluated that polyaniline was coated on the BS fibers. Charge carriers of the composite are polarons with paramagnetic character.
Market Application
flexible fiber-type transistors, flexible circuit board, textile transistor, biomedical materials